Where to buy GeoRide in Lille?
CHECK THE COMPATIBILITY OF MY MOTORCYCLEIf you are looking for where to buy GeoRide in Lille , we have brought together for you the list of all the physical sellers who will allow you to buy the best connected motorcycle lock
Buy a GeoRide motorcycle GPS tracker
Buying a GeoRide motorcycle GPS tracker allows your motorcycle to be protected in different ways. With the GeoRide connected motorcycle anti-theft device, you will be notified of the slightest suspicious event on your motorcycle.
[MM-CTA-BLOCK-1]By integrating a vibration sensor, GeoRide constantly analyzes the position and inclination of your motorcycle to alert you in the event of movement. If someone touches or rides on your motorcycle, the alert is immediately sent to your Android or iOS smartphone.
Locks are used to delay thieves, but not GeoRide! The latter makes it possible to anticipate a theft in order to act before it takes place. And if you haven't had time to act upon receiving the notification, the box includes a GPS chip that allows you to locate your motorcycle at any time!
Real-time visualization ensures unrivaled precision. This way, if your motorcycle is stolen, you can track its movements and know where it has been hidden! With such precise data, it will only take a few moments for law enforcement to find your stolen motorcycle, before it is damaged.
GeoRide goes even further, by integrating an audible alarm with a power of 110 dB you can be alerted quickly if someone touches your motorcycle, and without needing your phone!

With the possibility of triggering this alarm remotely from your smartphone, you can deter people who are lurking too close to your motorcycle, but also locate your motorcycle with better precision if it is stored in a box following a theft.
Perfectly designed to protect your vehicle, GeoRide can also protect the driver! By integrating a fall sensor, it detects if you are the victim of an accident. If this is the case and you are unable to tell someone, the box will do it for you. By communicating all the position information to one of your loved ones by telephone call, they will then be able to notify the emergency services so that they can help you.
Safety being essential with GeoRide, so is the pleasure of driving. By offering a trip recording service, you can find all of your motorcycle rides at any time using the smartphone application!
In addition to having a complete history of your journeys, you can relive them as if you were there! Access precise data such as average speed, maximum speed, lean angle of your motorcycle or even my weather forecast.
The new version of GeoRide allows you to go on a motorbike without needing your phone! With the Bluetooth badge you can manage your motorcycle's anti-theft device without having to touch it.
When you are near your two wheels, the box recognizes the badge and deactivates the protection so that you can get back on the road immediately. If you take a break or stop, GeoRide will detect the engine cut-off and the badge being moved away and will activate protection automatically so you don't forget.
Installing GeoRide is extremely simple and requires no knowledge. Connect the box to your motorcycle's battery and install it under the saddle. Once in place, GeoRide will protect your motorcycle, even if you hardly ride! The energy management of the new GeoRide components provides protection for almost 4 months! Beyond that, the box switches to its internal battery so as not to drain your motorcycle's battery.
[MM-PRODUCT-UP-FORWARD-1]Suitable for all motorcycles, whether 50cc, 500cc or 1000cc, GeoRide will protect your motorcycle in the best possible way. Purchasing a GeoRide motorcycle GPS tracker is essential for any motorcyclist concerned about the safety of their motorcycle.
Buy the GeoRide GPS tracker in Lille
To buy the GeoRide GPS tracker in Lille , you have the choice! With Motoblouz Lille-Seclin located in Zone Unexpo Rue de l'industrie, you can get GeoRide immediately!
Where to find the GeoRide GPS tracker near Lille? If you live near Lille, the Motoblouz Carvin reseller located at 72 rue Élie Cartan will allow you to obtain the GeoRide connected motorcycle lock.
The list of GeoRide resellers is growing! Soon you will be able to obtain the connected box in many motorcycle shops near Lille.
Sold from €9.99/month, purchasing a GeoRide GPS tracker in Lille can quickly prove essential.
Where to find GeoRide online
If you are wondering where to find GeoRide online , just go to the official GeoRide.fr website! Ideal for motorcyclists who do not have dealers near them. Order in a few minutes, and receive the case in a few days directly to your home!