GeoRide primé meilleur Tracker GPS

GeoRide Awarded Best GPS Tracker

Published at 1 minute read
Moto Magazine, the most widely distributed motorcycle monthly in France, tested the GeoRide box extensively. The result is clear .

At the top of the podium

Our box was awarded a rating of 8/10 for efficiency.
Alert responsiveness , “ tracking and location accuracy ”, “box autonomy . The performance and features offered by the case spoke for themselves.

The most complete

GeoRide offers the most comprehensive range of services . The reaction time of the connected alarm has hit again. During a flight simulation, the magazine's editorial staff received phone calls and notifications " less than a minute after departure ." They were able to track the motorcycle in real time, “ even when placed inside a van ”.

Cherry on the cake

“The ergonomic interface of the application and the “information provided regarding the status of the service were very appreciable.”
Bluffed by GeoRide , Moto Magazine however criticized the box for not being in direct contact with emergency services in the event of an accident. That's good, are we working on it?
If you would like to read the full review, be sure to pick up a copy of the magazine .
Do you want to be protected by GeoRide? Order your case right here .

The love of motorcycling, without the stress of flying
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