GeoRide officiellement à Toulouse ☀️

GeoRide officially in Toulouse ☀️

Published at 1 minute read

GeoRide left the North of France to settle in Toulouse at the end of the summer.

The sun is not the only reason for this move (a little all the same), GeoRide can now accelerate its development with new Toulouse talents on board, in brand new and bright offices .

Located south of Toulouse at 150 Rue Nicolas Louis Vauquelin , a few hundred meters from the Hippodrome, our teams can welcome you if you wish to collect your package directly.

Discover the concept, test the box, ask your questions and leave with your box.

A cutting-edge team?️

GeoRide is a professional, dynamic and motivated team to offer you the best experience. Our team is mainly made up of developers and people dedicated to customer service.

Another part of the team is dedicated to communication, strategy and innovation . As you have certainly noticed, the application is constantly evolving . The objective is to always question ourselves and continually improve the GeoRide service.

Many people will join the adventure in the coming months. If you want to pursue a career in a fresh and innovative environment, contact us ?

Stay connected, the social network is coming soon to your application .

Not yet a user? Join GeoRide now.

The love of motorcycling, without the stress of flying
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